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FB Quantification Packing Machine

FB series Quantification packing machine and TFK Sewing machine

Product Description

Type: FB series Quantification packing machine and TFK Sewing machine

Capacity: 5kg--50kg( flour weight)

Application: Widely used for flour weighing, packaging, sewing and conveyring to the next process after packaging. 

manual flour packing machine is a device that is used to package flour into bags or other containers. These machines are typically smaller and less expensive than automatic packing machines, and they require a person to operate them manually.

To use a manual flour packing machine, the operator will first fill the machine with flour using a scoop or other utensil. The operator will then adjust the settings on the machine to determine the desired weight or volume of flour to be packaged. The machine will typically have a hopper or chute that dispenses the flour into the bag or container, and the operator will use a lever or handle to activate the dispensing mechanism. Once the bag or container is filled to the desired amount, the operator will seal the package and remove it from the machine.

Manual flour packing machines are often used in small-scale flour production or packaging operations where the volume of flour being processed is not very high. They are also used in situations where the cost of an automatic wheat flouring machine is not justified.

Pingle Maize milling machine  are sold well in many countries such as Zamibia, India, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria. click here

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